Department of Science and Technology Studies

Science, technology and innovation shape life in modern societies in countless ways. Some of these are perceived as positive, others are deeply controversial. In turn, policy, corporations, the media and other societal actors influence how knowledge and technologies are produced. Science and technology studies analyzes these interactions, and aims to foster critical and reflexive debates on the relations of science, technology and society.

 News & Events

19.06.2024 17:00

by Brice Laurent (CSI & ANSES, Paris), Eleanor S. Armstrong (Science Education, Stockholm University), Béatrice Cointe (CSI, Paris), Kirstin Asdal...


Starting April 1, 2024, Katja Mayer is an incoming fellowship for one year at the Berlin University Alliance.


The video team of the science magazine Rudolfina met with Nina Klimburg-Witjes to get informations about Europe's role within the new space age.


Der geplante neue Titel des EC lautet: "Wechselwirkungen zwischen Wissenschaft, Technik und Gesellschaft verstehen".


Join the group of University Professor Ulrike Felt as a University assistant (praedoc) in the ERC grant Innovation Residues!

12.04.2024 15:30

Nina Klimburg-Witjes will give a talk on "Space debris as a security leftover" at the The Future of Near-Earth Space. Space Debris and Space...

 New Publications

Buschmann K, Kasberger S, Kraker P, Mayer K, Reckling F, Rieck K et al. Open Science in Österreich: Ansätze und Status Open Science in Austria: Approaches and status Open Science en Autriche: Approches et état des lieux. Information-Wissenschaft und Praxis. 2015 Jan 1;66(2-3):137-145. doi: 10.1515/iwp-2015-0025,

Merz M, Sormani PB. Configuring New Research Fields: How Policy, Place, and Organization Are Made to Matter. In Merz M, Sormani P, editors, The Local Configuration of New Research Fields. On Regional and National Diversity. Springer. 2015. p. 1-22. (Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook).

Felt U. Keeping Technologies Out: Sociotechnical imaginaries and the formation of Austria's technopolitical identity. In Jasanoff S, Kim S-H, editors, Dreamscapes of Modernity: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power. Chicago: Chicago University Press. 2015. p. 103-125