Ariadne Avkıran, BA, MA


Ariadne is a PhD student at the STS Department and currently conducting accompanying research within the LBG funded "Organising Co-creation" project. She is investigating how co-creation processes as a form of societal involvement in knowledge production are being institutionalized, organized and negotiated within the Action for Sustainable Future Hub. In her work she explores how co-created knowledge can be sustainably embedded in pre-existing organizational structures. Findings will not only document, map and analyze the development of an ongoing co-creative collaboration, but also look at wider implications of these experiences in order to inform future efforts of institutionalizing co-creation.

Following her BA & MA in Translation Studies, she has conducted archival research on German emigre academics in Turkish exile (1933-1945), e.g. Hans and Maria Reichenbach, Hilda Geiringer, Eva Röpke, Fritz Neumark, before enriching her academic and epistemic practice with ethnographic STS approaches. Due to her transdisciplinary background, her research interests range from translation history, sociology of translation and translators to responsible research and academic practice, societal involvement in knowledge production and eventually an STS take on translation technology.


Davies S, (ed.), Schikowitz A, (ed.), Mora-Gámez F, (ed.), Goldberg E, (ed.), Dessewffy E, (ed.), Pham BC, (ed.) et al. Revisiting Reflexivity: Liveable Worlds in Research and Beyond. Bristol University Press, 2025. 272 p. (Dis-positions: Troubling Methods and Theory in STS).

Pham BC, Gregory K, Davies S, Schikowitz A, Dessewffy E, Goldberg E et al. Academic citizenship, together: Prioritising care and reflexivity in scholarly life. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education. 2024 Mar 5;6(2):66–79. 6. doi: 10.47989/kpdc478

Avkiran AS, Pham BC, Holmer C, Schikowitz A, Dessewffy E, Mora-Gámez F et al. Pandemic Research: Reflecting an on auto-ethnography of mundane academic practice in pandemic times. In DIY Methods: A Mostly Screen-Free, Zine-Full, Remote- Participation Conference on Experimental Methods for Research and Research Exchange. The Low-Carbon Research Methods Group. 2022. p. 243-253

Avkiran AS. Maria Reichenbach: Biogramm. In Translation und Exil (1933–1945) I : Namen und Orte. Recherchen zur Geschichte des Übersetzens. Frank & Timme. 2022. p. 446 - 447

Avkiran AS. Translation und Wissenstransfer an der Universität Istanbul zwischen 1933 und 1953. In Tashinskiy A, Boguna J, Rozmyslowicz T, editors, Translation und Exil (1933–1945) I: Namen und Orte. Recherchen zur Geschichte des Übersetzens. Frank & Timme. 2022. p. 263-284

Avkiran AS. Dolmetschen im Hörsaal: Hans Reichenbach an der Universität Istanbul, 1933– 1938. In Schippel L, Richter J, editors, Translation und „Drittes Reich“ II: Translationsgeschichte als methodologische Herausforderung. Frank & Timme. 2021. (Transkulturalität – Translation -Transfer, Vol. 52).

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