Department of Science and Technology Studies
Science, technology and innovation shape life in modern societies in countless ways. Some of these are perceived as positive, others are deeply controversial. In turn, policy, corporations, the media and other societal actors influence how knowledge and technologies are produced. Science and technology studies analyzes these interactions, and aims to foster critical and reflexive debates on the relations of science, technology and society.
We warmly invite you to the PhD defensio of Hüseyin Kaya Akyüz
We warmly invite you to the defensio of Carina Romanach Nasser
„Umwelt im Gespräch“ ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe des Forschungsverbunds Umwelt und Klima und der Universität Wien in Kooperation mit dem...
Ulrike Felt, Susanne Öchsner, Robin Rae and Ekaterina Osipova have just published a new article in the Journal of Responsible Innovation.
Am Institut ist ehestmöglich die Position eines/r Drittmittel- und KommunikationsreferentIn zu besetzen.
Paul Trauttmansdorff and Nina Klimburg-Witjes have just published a new book called:
Lisa Sigl's, Ruth Falkenberg's, and Maximilian Fochler's new article was just accepted in Social Studies of Science.
Ruth Falkenberg, Lisa Sigl and Maximilian Fochler have just published a new article in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science:
New Publications
Davies S, (ed.), Schikowitz A, (ed.), Mora-Gámez F, (ed.), Goldberg E, (ed.), Dessewffy E, (ed.), Pham BC, (ed.) et al.
Revisiting Reflexivity: Liveable Worlds in Research and Beyond. Bristol University Press, 2025. 272 p. (Dis-positions: Troubling Methods and Theory in STS).