Department of Science and Technology Studies

Science, technology and innovation shape life in modern societies in countless ways. Some of these are perceived as positive, others are deeply controversial. In turn, policy, corporations, the media and other societal actors influence how knowledge and technologies are produced. Science and technology studies analyzes these interactions, and aims to foster critical and reflexive debates on the relations of science, technology and society.

 News & Events


Ulrike Felt, Susanne Öchsner and Robin Rae have presented some of their findings at this year's dhealth conference. They have also elaborated on their...


Kamiel Mobach and Ulrike Felt have published an article "On the Entanglement of Science and Europe at CERN" in Science as Culture.


Ulrike Felt has published a paper on the infrastructures that make inter- and trans-disciplinary research possible.


The Departments of Science and Technology Studies, and Development Studies host a talk by Ching Kwan Lee (UCLA, US) on 01.06.2022.


From 4-6 May the department hosted a workshop that brought together scholars from Czechia, Germany, and Austria.


We are delighted to announce that Ulrike Felt has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant on the topic of "Innovation Residues"

 New Publications

Mayer K. Big Data, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence. In Felt U, Irwin A, editors, Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 2024

Mayer K. Partizipation: Partizipativ forschen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Inklusion und Exklusion. In Peer C, Semlitsch E, Güntner S, Haas M, editors, Urbane Transformation durch soziale Innovation: Schlüsselbegriffe und Perspektiven. TU Academic Press. 2024. p. 175 doi:

Mora-Gámez F, Papadopolous D, Sánchez Aldana E. Affecting Infrastructures: Crafting and Weaving as Alternative Repairs. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience. 2023 Nov 5;9(2):1-28. doi: